I have been fortunate to have some great teachers in my years of guitar playing.
This school is dedicated to them...
Vanja Dijak, MD, RCM Certified Classical Guitar Teacher
Acredited by Suzuki Association of the Americas - Comprehansive for training in all Classical Guitar Units
Promoting Classical Guitar's Awareness in Canada.
Prepares Classical Guitar Students For Royal Conservatory Classical Guitar Examinations -RCM from Preparatory Level - ARCT, Diploma Level and RCM Music Theory (Preparatory - RCM Level 8) and RCM Music History
The study of RCM Music Theory provides the opportunity to identify and explore elements already discovered through the practical musical experience and to establish the foundation for musical experiences to come. It also builds aural awereness, develops analytical thinking, encourages creativity, and helps us to understand the music that we hear and play on a deeper level.
The RCM Music History units provide an opportunity to broaden the musical experience through an introduction to the musical style of the Renaissance, Baroque, Classic, Romantic and Modern eras.
Theory Syllabus
Celebrate Theory, Sampler
Music Theory, Level 5
All Theory & History classes are in-person only. Tuition does not include textbooks or exam. Students are responsible for purchasing their own textbooks and registering for exams.
In this class you will cover all concepts as outlined in the Theory Syllabus, 2016 Edition:
Major and minor keys up to four sharps or flats
Pitch and Notation - ledger lines, enharmonic equivalents, transposition, rewriting melodies
Rhythm and Meter – notes and rest values, beats, time signatures, whole and half steps, melodic and harmonic intervals
Scales – major and minor scales, relative major and minor keys, parallel major and minor keys, scale degree names
Chords and Harmony – tonic, subdominant, and dominant triads, dominant 7th chords (root position), functional chord symbols, root/quality chord symbols
Melody and Composition – composition, stable and unstable scale degrees
Form and Analysis – identify concepts, keys, question-answer phrase pairs, and melodic phrases
Official RCM Examination Certificate upon succesful completion of Examination
Textbooks are not included in tuition and must be purchased by students prior to the first class.
Pre-requisites: Completion of RCM Level 4 Theory.
Music Theory, Level 6
All Theory & History classes are in-person only. Tuition does not include textbooks or exam. Students are responsible for purchasing their own textbooks and registering for exams.
In this class you will cover all concepts as outlined in the Theory Syllabus, 2016 Edition:
All major and minor keys
Pitch and Notation - accidentals, double sharps and flats, transposition
Rhythm and Meter – thirty-second notes and rests, dotted sixteenth notes and rests, compound meters, application of time signatures, bar lines, notes, and rests
Intervals - all intervals including enharmonic equivalents
Scales – all major and minor scales, relative major and minor keys, parallel major and minor keys, scale degree names
Chords and Harmony – solid/blocked or broken triads, dominant 7th chords, identification of authentic and half cadences, application of functional chord symbols for implied harmonies of a melody
Melody and Composition – composition of a question-answer phrase pair
Form and Analysis – identification of concepts, identification of key (major or minor) of a given passage
Official RCM Examination Certificate upon succesful completion of Examination
Textbooks are not included in tuition and must be purchased by students prior to the first class.
Pre-requisites: Completion of RCM Level 5 Theory.
Music Theory, Level 7
All Theory & History classes are in-person only. Tuition does not include textbooks or exam. Students are responsible for purchasing their own textbooks and registering for exams.
In this class you will cover all concepts as outlined in the Theory Syllabus, 2016 Edition:
All major and minor keys
Pitch and Notation - transposition of melodies up or down by any interval or to any key
Rhythm and Meter – double dotted notes and rests, irregular groupings, application of time signatures, bar lines, notes, and rests Intervals; all intervals, and enharmonic equivalents
Intervals - all intervals above or below a given note within an octave, including enharmonic equivalents
Scales – chromatic, whole-tone, and octatonic scales; major and minor pentatonic scales; blues scales
Chords and Harmony – diminished and augmented triads; triads built on any degree of a major or minor (harmonic) scale; leading-tone diminished 7th chords in minor keys, root position only; dominant 7th chords and their inversions; identification and writing of authentic and half cadences on a grand staff
Melody and Composition – melodic passing and neighbor tones; composition of a contrasting period in a major key, given the antecedent phrase
Form and Analysis – identification of concepts; application of functional or root/quality chord symbols to a melody
Official RCM Examination Certificate upon succesful completion of Examination
Textbooks are not included in tuition and must be purchased by students prior to the first class.
Pre-requisites: Completion of RCM Level 6 Theory.
Music Theory, Level 8
All Theory & History classes are in-person only. Tuition does not include textbooks or exam. Students are responsible for purchasing their own textbooks and registering for exams.
In this class you will cover all concepts as outlined in the Theory Syllabus, 2016 Edition:
All major and minor keys
Pitch and Notation - alto and tenor clefs; score types; transcription of melody to any other clef; transposition of melody to concert pitch for orchestral instruments (B flat and F)
Rhythm and Meter – hybrid meters; application of time signatures, bar lines, notes, and rests
Intervals - all simple and compound intervals up to a fifteenth above or below a given note
Scales – all major and minor (natural, harmonic, and melodic) in treble, bass, alto, and tenor; diatonic modes
Chords and Harmony – triads built on any degree of a major or minor (natural or harmonic) scale; dominant 7th chords and their inversions; leading-tone diminished 7th chords in minor keys; identification and writing of authentic, half, and plagal (IV–I or iv–i) cadences on a grand staff; identification of cluster chords, quartal chords, and polychords
Melody and Composition – melodic passing tones (unaccented) and neighbor tones (unaccented); composition of a contrasting period in a major or minor key, given the first two measures
Form and Analysis – identification of concepts; application of functional or root/quality chord symbols to a melody; identification of types of motion: parallel, similar, contrary, oblique, and static
Official RCM Examination Certificate upon succesful completion of Examination
Textbooks are not included in tuition and must be purchased by students prior to the first class.
Pre-requisites: Completion of RCM Level 7 Theory.
Music History, Level 9
the materials of music
the Baroque Era (Vivaldi, Bach, Handel)
the Classical Era (Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven)
the Romantic Era (Schubert, Chopin, Berlioz, Bizet)
the Modern Era (Debussy, Stravinsky, Bernstein, Louie, Adams)